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Summer Mom Guilt

I'm going to let you in on a secret, not every mom loves summer break. Alot of moms are processing an excessive amount of mom guilt right now as they secretly dislike summer break. Perhaps you are sitting there reading this blog thinking, "What are you talking about summer is such an epic time for making family memories!" While this notion of memory making may be true for many families, not every mom feels the same way about summer break. You see other moms posting videos and photos on social media of their epic summer and your insides start feeling heavy for one reason or another. Let's dig in a little deeper into why some mom's can't stand summer break. Perhaps you see a mom posting pictures at their camp site and your first thought is about how much work goes into making that camping trip happen. While some mom's see camping as epic memory making, maybe you see it as way too much work and interrupted sleep schedules for your young kids. Some moms can't wait to get their family out in nature, but perhaps you only see the massive amount of mosquito bites your kids will whine about. It's okay if you don't take your kids camping...and don't you for a minute think you are less of a mom for skipping the camping trip. You see others moms posting Instagram stories of their epic long haul road trips and the guilt starts to bubble. Your family budget is tight and gas prices are rising. You feel like maybe your kids are missing out on epic summer road trips because the anxiety of packing for your family is just too much. Some mom's see an open road adventure as exciting and memory making, but all you see is the endless fighting in the back seat that will inevitably take place. There are moms who think summer isn't complete without taking their kids to visit all their extended family, but to you all you think about is the kids constantly whining for snacks. You are still scarred from the last family road trip you took when every five minutes someone needed a location update or a pee break. While a road trip adventure may be fun for some moms, it's okay if the open road isn't for you. Don't you even think about feeling guilty because you're skipping the road trips this summer. You keep seeing moms posting about their full days at the lake, you feel a bit defeated because you don't own a boat. You can't teach your kids to knee board or pull them around the lake on a tube. You feel guilty that your busy with work and can't take days off to get away as a family to the lake. Some moms can't wait to get out on the water, but all you think about is the horrible sunburns your kids can't seem to escape or the fact that your vehicle brings home half the beach sand. Well sunny days on the lake may be great for some families, it's okay if the lake life isn't for you. Don't feel the summer guilt if you can't take your kids to the lake this year. There are moms who can't wait to take their kids to the fair and watch their kids rip around on rides. The very thought of the ferris wheel and cotton candy get some moms bubbling with excitement. While you think your kids would lose their minds at the carnival, you look at the price of the wristbands and realize that's nearly the same price as buying their school supplies. Perhaps the memory of your last trip to the fair wasn't spectacular, maybe your kid ate too much of that delicious cotton candy before they hopped on that spinning ride and it didn't end well. Perhaps your toddler had a beyond epic public tantrum when it was time to leave the carnival and you aren't interested in a repeat of the epic tantrum of 2019. While it's okay if you love your yearly trip to the fair, but it's also perfectly fine if you don't. Don't feel guilty for trading in an expensive day at the fair for a trip to a new playground. I want you to know that it's okay if you are already tired of summer break and longing for routine again. It's okay if you entertain your kids with playground trips, paddling pools and giant freezies. Your kids will light up for a weekly trip to your locsl ice cream shop. If you can't give your kids an over the top summer vacation...don't fall into the summer Mom guilt trap. You are a great mom if you do all the awesome summer things, but you're also a great mom if you don't. Sometimes simple summers can be the most remarkable memories for our kids. You are a great mom even if you already have a countdown going for back to school. So regardless of how you choose to spend your summer, make sure you don't let the summer mom guilt weigh you down.

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