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Why it is so important that Nanny and Parents have a good working relationship

For working parents, having a nanny care for their child during their absence is extremely helpful, particularly if your child is young and not yet attending school. But what is even more important for them is to ensure that their child is taken care of and is under safe custody while they are away. For this purpose, it is essential for parents to have a good and consistent working relationship with their nannies.

Nannies are professional child care providers who offer care for children. While both parents are working full-time, childcare becomes a requirement. Having a babysitter can work for evenings and weekends. For babies and toddlers who need constant care and supervision throughout the day, parents need to hire a professional nanny. Some nannies work for more than 50 hours a week and go home once the parents have returned, at the end of each day.

However, there are some nannies that live with their employers, they may use the family car, and more, as they take care of the children. Their roles are devised according to the needs of the family.


Nannies are trained and have specialized childcare Qualification. They know and understand the development and needs of young children. They know how to deal with them when they cry, or when they refuse to have their food or milk on time. They are patient, and offer love and security to children whilst their parents are away.

Since nannies are responsible for looking after children, they know the healthy foods that need to be fed to children. They are responsible for feeding them time to time. If the children are older and go to school, nannies can help them with their homework. They are also responsible for all nursery duties e.g. laundry, Cooking.

Since toddler’s love playing around and involving in different activities, nannies arrange play dates for them. They take them to the library, playgroups, and parks to enjoy and have fun. When home, they make sure that the child has their favorite but safe toys to play around with. They know the importance of nurturing a child well and teaching them good habits as they grow. They interact with them and are responsible to teach them good manners.

However, nannies cannot fulfill all their responsibilities if they don’t have support from the family.


While the nanny performs all their tasks dutifully and does their best to look after the children, the family also has a few responsibilities towards the nanny. The parents must make sure that the nanny’s pay rate is appropriate and that they are paid on time. In case the nanny has to do overtime, make sure that they are paid for the extra time they give. Ensure that everyone in your house treats them all due respect. If they spend a significant part of the day with you, offer them proper meals and snacks.

Encourage your nanny to keep a diary with information regarding your child’s day to day routine. Give them time to make a bond with your child, but do not interfere too much that they are discouraged to even interact with your child. If your child gets attached to their nanny, be happy they are friends and have made a bond.

Nannies are human too, they get sick as well. If, for instance, the nanny is not well someday, you can give them a day off. Some families will need to take their nanny with them on family vacations. This way you can relax as they look after your child plus it will be an outing for them too.


It is important for a good working relationship to develop between the parents and the nanny to ensure that the child is developing and reaching their milestones. It is essential that no communication barriers exist between parent’s and nanny, working together as a team. The parent, must clearly tell their nanny about their household rules.


Since a good working relationship is important for both the parties, it can develop if certain steps are followed. Such as, when parents hire a nanny, they must all sit down together and develop a timetable for themselves according to the children’s schedule. Both parties must keep track of their weekly schedules on different calendars. Parents must inform the nanny everything about their child that is important and must be discussed. They must take out time to have a chat with them and take updates each week.

As parents, you must ask them if they are happy or not, and how you can be of help. Find out from them what your child has been up to the entire week. Take updates about how they have been progressing educationally, emotionally and physically. Finally, point out any particular changes you want them to make in your child’s routine. However, make sure that it is all done in a constructive way and that the nanny does not feel criticized on their methods.

In case the nanny points out anything they feel the parents must change, parents must also be positive and give some consideration to it. You must not discuss your personal issues with the nanny in front of the children. Sort out all the issues in private and that too constructively. Parents need to remember that the nanny is playing an important role in the life of their child so they need to be appreciated and thanked for all their efforts. A good working relationship cannot develop unless there is good communication between the parents and the nanny.

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